When it comes to yard signs, we mostly see them around election time. Every yard seems to have a sign indicating who they’re supporting for the upcoming election. It can seem pretty mundane, right?
Well, we put together some of the funniest yard signs out there. These are some funny signs and will have you cracking up as you drive by them!
They are all pretty funny, but the sign for #3 is so honest and you can almost hear the person saying it!
These are just hilarious!
If you liked those, share it! Give someone a healthy dose of Text Humor for the day!
Life is complex enough in itself.
Even in challenging times, our responsibility is to infuse as much enjoyment and positivity into the situation as we can.
I believe, one must have sense of humor in order to carry through and lighten the burden of our every day mental stress. Otherwise, life’s trying times could drown us in self-pity and bitterness. Life is too short.
Crying over spilled milk not only hinders your progress but also diminishes the joy of life’s experiences.
Every day, we encounter both trivial and significant challenges. The way we opt to react to them is what ultimately sets us apart.
To certain extent one has the power to make the best out of the worst situation,. Just tackle it with a sense of humor. It’s sort of a reminder of the old adage that says, “If life throws you lemons, make yourself a lemonade.” Along my life’s journey I realized that regardless of any given situation ‘s status, the psychological burden that comes with it is easier to deal with , if is taken with a sense of humor. Living life is a serious business. But if we see things from the bright perspective even when there isn’t one, it’ll help you fell less stressed during your sad moments.